The City of London’s leaf and yard waste materials collection program is experiencing a delay due to an increase in the number of bags placed at the curb for collection. We thank residents for their patience as we work on this issue.
The warm weather in late October caused more leaves to be bagged in a similar period which created a peak of materials in the last few weeks and requires additional time to collect.
The third collection in Zone A (Byron, Westmount, Oakridge) is 95% complete and crews will head to B Zone (north and north central London) starting on Tuesday. Collection in Zones C and D will begin as soon as Zone B is completed.
Currently, all five Zones have received two of four pickups.
Residents can review their collection calendar to see their ‘green week’ dates or use the Recycle Coach app to be sent reminders about yard waste, garbage, and recycling collection. Yard waste can also be taken to an EnviroDepot at no charge.
For more information on City’s waste management services, please visit