Public Notices - July 25, 2024


Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting can do so virtually using Zoom online or phone, or by attending in person. City Hall is currently open to the public for public participation meetings. If you wish to attend in person to speak to a matter that is on an agenda you are encouraged to pre-register by email or phone; however, should you wish to attend virtually, pre-registration is required.  To pre-register, please email or call 519-661-2489, ext. 7100.  Please note that some Elected Officials may attend the meetings virtually.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information – personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. Questions about this collection should be addressed to Manager, Records and Information Services, 3rd floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489, ext. 5590, email:



The Planning and Environment Committee will consider the following matters at a Public Participation Meeting to be held Tuesday, August 13th, 2024. Standing Committee and Council Meetings are held at City Hall in Council Chambers. Participation of some Council Members and staff may be virtual. Meetings can be viewed via live-streaming on YouTube and the City website.  There is additional information on the City of London website about Public Participation Meetings. Information regarding the matter being considered at the Public Participation Meeting will be posted on the City of London website at on Wednesday, August 7, 2024,  Written submissions regarding this matter to be included on the Planning and Environment Committee Added Agenda are to be submitted no later than 9:00 AM on Friday, August 9, 2024, either delivered or mailed to the City Clerk’s Office, Room 308, 300 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 5035, London, ON N6A 4L9 or by email to Those who wish to attend virtually should pre-register by contacting or 519-661-2489 ext. 7100 no later than 9:00 AM on the day of the meeting. 

Items not to be heard before 1:00 p.m.

379 Southdale Road West – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit an indoor cycling studio in the lower-level of the existing building. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM an Associated Shopping Area (ASA1, ASA3) Zone TO an Associated Shopping Area Special Provision (ASA1(_), ASA3) Zone. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (i.e., height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: Z-9746 Planner: B. Bonello.

553 & 557 Upper Queen StreetThe purpose and effect of this amendment is to permit a 28-unit, cluster townhouse development containing 62 parking spaces (2 per unit and 6 visitor parking stalls).  Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Residential R1 (R1-9) Zone TO a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-5(_)) Zone. Special provisions to implement the proposed development include a reduced front yard setback, reduced interior side yard setback and an increase in density. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (ie height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: Z-9747 Planner: M. Vivian.

455 Highbury Avenue North – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit the expansion of 5 single-storey standalone buildings containing 65 self-storage units outside the main building. Possible amendment to the Official Plan to permit the self-storage establishment use outside the existing building in the Brydges Street Area. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Light Industrial Special Provision (LI1(22)) Zone TO a holding Light Industrial Special Provision (h*18*LI1(_)) Zone with special provisions to implement the proposed development. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (ie height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: OZ-9739 Planner: B. House.

4452 Wellington Road South – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit future commercial uses, and transport terminal facilities. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 from an Environmental Review (ER) Zone to a holding Associated Shopping Area Commercial (h-17*ASA1/ASA2/ASA6) Zone and holding Light Industrial (h-17*LI6) Zone. File: Z-9729. Planner: I. de Ceuster.

757 Southdale Road East – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit the continued use of the existing chiropractic office on  the subject lands. Possible amendment to the Official Plan to add a Specific Policy to the Neighbourhoods Place Type to permit the use of a chiropractic office and to add the lands to Map 7 – Specific Policy Areas. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Residential R1 (R1-4) Zone TO a compound Residential/Office Residential (R1-4/OR(_))  Zone with special provisions to permit the proposed use. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (ie height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: OZ-9742 Planner: C.Cernanec.

267 York Street – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit two high-rise residential towers with heights of 40 and 45 storeys and a total of 1,067 units. Possible amendment to the Official Plan to add a Specific Policy to the Downtown Place Type to permit a maximum building height of 45 storeys and to add the lands to Map 7 - Specific Policy Areas. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM Holding Downtown Area (h-1*h-3*DA2*D350) Zone TO a Holding Downtown Area Special Provision h-17*h-(_)*DA2(_)*H150*D2280) Zone with special provisions to implement the proposed development. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such as a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (ie height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: OZ-9736 Planner: C. Maton.

1368 Oxford Street East – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit the conversion of the existing structure from residential to a dental office, while maintaining residential permissions for basement dwelling units. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Residential R1 (R1-9) TO an Office Conversion and Residential R1 (OC5/R1-9) Zone. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (i.e. height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: Z-9745 Planner: M. Hynes.

539 & 543 Topping Lane – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit a 4-storey residential apartment building containing 55 units. Possible amendment to the Official Plan to add a Specific Policy to the Neighbourhoods Place Type to permit an apartment building with a maximum building height of 4 storeys and to add the lands to Map 7 – Specific Policy Areas. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Residential R1 (R1-9) Zone TO a Residential R8 Special Provision (R8-4(_)) Zone with special provisions to implement the proposed development. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such as a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (ie height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: OZ-9737 Planner: M. Hynes.

Items not to be heard before 1:30 p.m.

2060 Dundas Street – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit the development of an apartment building on the northerly vacant portion of the subject site with a height of 6-storeys, and total of 78 residential units. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Light Industrial (LI1/LI7) and Restrictive Service Commercial (RSC2/RSC3/RSC4/RSC5) Zone TO Residential R9 Special Provision (R9-3(_)) Zone, which would permit apartment buildings, lodging houses class 2, senior citizen apartment buildings, handicapped persons apartment building and continuum-of-care facilities. The proposed special provisions would also permit a reduced minimum front yard setback of 4.5m, whereas a minimum of 8.0 is required; a reduced minimum (south) interior side yard setback of 6.0m, whereas 8.4m is required; a reduced minimum (west) interior side yard setback of 6.5m, whereas 8.4m is required; and an increased maximum building height of 21.0m, where no maximum height is currently prescribed. The Open Space OS5 Special Provision (OS5(  )) Zone is proposed to be applied to the buffer area of land within the proposed development separating the natural heritage area with an Open Space (OS5) Zone proposed on the natural heritage lands.  City may also contemplate alternative zoning such as a different base zone, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (ie height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: Z-9547. Planner: A. Riley ext. 4579.



The following applications have been received by the City of London.  The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner. If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

3975 Stewart Avenue; located on the north side of Exeter Road, west of Stewart Avenue; approximately 0.73 hectares  The purpose and effect of this application is to facilitate construction of one (1) apartment building with access from Stewart Avenue.  Consideration of an amendment to the zoning by-law to change the zoning from a Holding Residential R5 and R6 Special Provision (h*h-100*h-198*R5-4(23)/R6-5(51)) Zone to a new Holding Residential R5 and R6 Special (h*h-100*h-198*R5-4(_)/R6-5(_)) Zone, which permits medium density residential development in the form of single-detached, semi-detached, duplex, triplex, townhouse, stacked townhouse, apartment and fourplex dwellings, as well as cluster townhouses and cluster stacked townhouses.  Special provisions have been requested to address reduced setbacks, increased lot coverage, increased height, increased density, and seniors’ apartments and retirement lodges as additional uses. File: Z-9754 Planner: A. Curtis ext. 4497.

London Heights Framework – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan change is to: amend minimum and maximum building heights; remove the “standard maximum” heights; and amend policies and design standards for tall buildings (greater than 8 storeys). Possible amendments to The London Plan, Policy: 399_ 10.; 521_; 584_; 789_ 3.; Table 8; Table 9; Table 11; 802_ 1.; 803C_; 803D_; 813_ 1.; 815C_; 815D_; 828_; 839_; 840_ 5.; 840_ 6.; 847_; 860C_; 860D_; 878_ 2.; 897_; 910_ 4.; 958_; 1086_ 1.; 1638_; 1639_; 1640_; 1641_; and Our Tools: High-rise building. These amendments would permit taller developments without an Official Plan Amendment subject to design standards and mitigation measures. The City may also consider additional special provisions as part of this amendment. File: O-9752 Planner: S. Filson.

Protected Major Transit Station Area Zoning Review – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit mixed-use buildings (office and other commercial uses on ground floor, with residential uses such as apartment buildings, emergency care establishments, group home type 2, handicapped persons apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, and senior citizen apartment buildings above), high-rise (over 8 storeys) residential apartments, and maximum heights of 20 and 45 storeys (Downtown), 15 and 30 storeys (Transit Villages), and 15 and 25 storeys (Rapid Transit Corridors). Possible amendment to the Official Plan to policies 802_1, 803C, 813_1, 815C, 839, 840_5, 840_6, 847_1, 847_2, 860C, Table 8, and Table 9, Map 3, and Map 10. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 by adding a new Section 52: Transit Station Area Zone. The City may also contemplate alternative zoning such as a different base zones, additional permitted uses, additional special provisions (i.e., height and/or density), and/or the use of holding provisions. File: OZ-9749. Planner: K. Killen, R. Lightfoot, M. Hynes.

City-Wide - The City of London is initiating a review of the holding provisions within Zoning By-law Z.-1.  The purpose of the review is to determine extent and manner in which holding provisions will be applied through the Zoning By-law.  As part of this review some holding provisions may be removed or modified. File: Z-9762. Planner: R. Bolivar. 



The Approval Authority will consider removing the Holding Provisions as applied to the lands described below at a future Council Meeting.  The Approval Authority will not hear representations from the public on these matters.  If you have any questions or comments about this matter, please call the planner identified below.

1033 Dundas Street – The Delegated Authority for the City of London intends to consider removing the h-236 holding provision from the subject lands. The purpose of the “h-236” provision is to ensure that there are no land use conflicts between the rail line and the proposed residential uses, the “h-236” shall not be deleted until the owner agrees to implement all noise and vibration attenuation measures, recommended in the noise assessment report acceptable to the City of London. The Delegated Authority will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than August 15, 2024. File: H-9757 Planner: B. Begovic ext. 6854.

952 Southdale Road West – The Delegated Authority for the City of London intends to consider removing the h and h-129 holding provision from the subject lands. The purpose of the “h” provision is to ensure that to ensure the orderly development of lands and the adequate provision of municipal services, the “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security has been provided for the development agreement or subdivision agreement, and Council is satisfied that the conditions of the approval of the plans and drawings for a site plan, or the conditions of the approval of a draft plan of subdivision, will ensure a development agreement or subdivision agreement is executed by the applicant and the City prior to development. The purpose of the “h-129” provision is to ensure that to ensure that the results of the Hydraulic Floodway Analysis are accepted to the satisfaction of the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The Delegated Authority will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than August 15, 2024. File: H-9758 Planner: B. Begovic ext. 6854.

3505 Morgan Avenue – The Delegated Authority for the City of London intends to consider removing the h, h-11, h-95, h-100, h-105, and h-135 holding provisions from the subject lands.  The purpose of the “h” provision is to ensure that the orderly development of lands and the adequate provision of municipal services, the “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security has been provided for the development agreement or subdivision agreement, and Council is satisfied that the conditions of the approval of the plans and drawings for a site plan, or the conditions of the approval of a draft plan of subdivision, will ensure a development agreement or subdivision agreement is executed by the applicant and the City prior to development. The purpose of the “h-11” provision is to ensure that the orderly development of lands and the adequate provision of municipal services, the "h-11" symbol shall not be deleted until a development agreement associated with a site plan which provides for appropriate access arrangements to the satisfaction of Council is entered into with the City of London. The purpose of the “h-95” provision is to ensure that the urban design concepts established through the Official Plan and/or Zoning amendment review process are implemented, a development agreement will be entered into which, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Development, incorporates these concepts and addresses identified Urban design issues. The purpose of the “h-100” provision is to ensure that there is adequate water service and appropriate access, a looped watermain system must be constructed and a second public access must be available to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, prior to the removal of the h-100 symbol. The purpose of the “h-105” provision is to ensure that a comprehensive storm drainage and stormwater management report prepared by a consulting engineer is completed to address the stormwater management strategy for all lands within the subject plan and external lands where a private permanent on-site storm drainage facility is proposed for any block or blocks not serviced by a constructed regional stormwater management facility. The "h-105" symbol shall not be deleted until the report has been accepted to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Development and City Engineer. The purpose of the “h-135” provision is to ensure that commercial development does not exceed a maximum interim floor area threshold of 15,248 m2 in draft plan 39T-07510, the h-135 symbol shall not be deleted until a Traffic Impact Study is prepared, which demonstrates that the transportation infrastructure in Bostwick East is adequate to accommodate forecast traffic volumes. The Delegated Authority will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than August 15, 2024. File: H-9759 Planner: B. Begovic ext. 6854.

Your comments on these matters are important.  You may comment by phone, mail or emailing the planner assigned to the file you are interested in.  Mail should be directed to: The City of London, Planning and Development, P.O. Box 5035, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, N6A 4L9.

Please note: Personal information collected and recorded at the Public Participation Meeting, or through written submissions on this subject, is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Planning Act, 1990 R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. The written submissions, including names and contact information and the associated reports arising from the public participation process, will be made available to the public, including publishing on the City's website. Video recordings of the Public Participation Meeting may also be posted to the City of London's website.  Questions about this collection should be referred to Bridgette Somers, Manager, Records and Information Services 519-661-CITY(2489) ext. 5590.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Corporation of the City of London or of the Approval Authority to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the application is adopted or approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision. 
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the proposed amendment is adopted or approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

*Please see the Planning Act for updated appeal requirements.

Opportunities to view any file materials in-person can be arranged through the file Planner. For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Planning and Development  at and/or (519) 930-3500.

*Please ensure you reference the File Number or address in all communications.



The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will be held electronically and attendance by the Committee members will be virtual on Thursday August 15, 2024no earlier than 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Members of the public can participate in person at City Hall 2nd floor Committee Room # 1, or via Zoom by computer, mobile device, or telephone audio. To register to participate in-person or virtually, email or contact Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-930-3500 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. To provide written submissions regarding the matter, email Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment.

1:30 p.m. – A.087/24 – 755 Viscount Road, PLAN M7 LOT 490-1 – To permit front yard parking. To permit front yard parking, whereas parking is permitted in the interior side yard and rear yards.

1:30 p.m. – A.088/24 – 1200 Commissioners Road East, CON 1 PT LOT 17 PLAN 284 PT LOT 8 RP 33R3881 PARTS 1,2,3,4 – To permit a Place of Worship with a gross floor area of 2900m2, whereas 1585m2 is the maximum permitted.

1:30 p.m. – A.089/24 – 9345 Elviage Drive, CON 4 S PT LOT 1 PLAN 316 PT LOT 4,5 RP 34R346 PART 1 – To permit an accessory structure in the rear yard. To permit an accessory building with a minimum south rear yard setback of 0.7m from the AG2 Zone boundary line, whereas 1.2m is the minimum required.

If you wish to be notified of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must appear in person or by Counsel at the hearing and file a written request with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment.  An appeal from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Land Tribunal shall be filed within 20 days of making the decision. Any appeal must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, in person at 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, or Mail to City of London, P.O. Box 5035, ON  N6A 4L9. 519-930-3500.


The London Consent Authority will be considering the following application for consent. Comments Due by Thursday August 8, 2024.

B.027/24 – 2121 Wonderland Road North, CON 5 N PT LOT 21 RP 33R12725 PART 4 – Permission to sever a lot (Part 4) with a lot area of 20,828m² and a lot frontage of 117.8m and to retain a lot (Part 1) with a lot area of 132,800m² and a lot frontage of 139.3m for the purpose of existing and future residential uses, and to register a mortgage over part of the parcel of land. Planner: C. Cernanec.

If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of London Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Consent Authority, before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) may dismiss the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent you must make a written submission to the City of London Consent Authority, 300 Dufferin Avenue, 6th Floor, London, Ontario, N6A 4L9, or by email to Additional information on these applications is available at the City of London Business Hub, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario, or by emailing or calling 519-930-3500.

Please be advised that from March 4 to July 31, 2024, the front (south) entrance to City Hall will be closed to visitors and staff while repair and rehabilitation work takes place. During this time pedestrian traffic will be redirected to the north entrance located off Reginald Cooper Square. Access from the lower-level parking garage to the City Hall elevators will still be available.



NOTICE OF VIRTUAL COMMUNITY INFORMATION SESSION - PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS FOR TWO NEW TRANSIT VILLAGES - Join the project team on Wednesday, July 31, at 5 p.m. via Zoom webinar to view a live presentation. Learn more about more about Transit Villages and ask the project team questions. Please visit our Get Involved website for full details and the meeting link.

Last modified:Thursday, July 25, 2024