2024-2027 Business Plans

The 2024-2027 Business Plans, which accompany the City of London's draft Multi-Year Budget, provide a high level overview of the service, what the service does and how much it costs to provide to the residents of London.

The business plans also detail the components of the City's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, provide service highlights and any known or anticipated risks or challenges the service many experience achieving its outcomes.  These plans are updated each year to reflect any changes in resources, strategy or risks and challenges.

If you have questions regarding these plans or the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Budget, please reach out to the budget team at budget@london.ca.


Business Plans

Corporate, Operational and Council Services
Economic Prosperity
Environmental Services
Financial Management - Corporate Financing
Housing, Social and Health Services
Parks, Recreation and Neighbourhood Services
Planning and Development
Protective Services
Transportation Services
Water and Wastewater and Treatment


Last modified:Tuesday, August 20, 2024