Public Notices - April 14, 2022


Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting can do so virtually using Zoom online or phone, or by attending in person. City Hall is currently open to the public in limited capacity for public participation meetings. If you wish to attend in person to speak to a matter that is on an agenda you are encouraged to pre-register by email or phone. Please note that the majority of Elected Officials attend the meetings virtually.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information – personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. Questions about this collection should be addressed to Manager, Records and Information Services, 3rd floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489, ext. 5590, email:

2The personal information may be collected, under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, to contact you for contact tracing purposes in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak at this facility. Whether or not used, you agree that the City of London can destroy your personal information after 21 days. In the event of an outbreak, the City of London may disclose your name and telephone number to the Middlesex London Health Unit for contact tracing purposes. Questions about this collection should be addressed to the Manager, Records and Information Services at 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489 ext. 5590, email:



The following applications were received and advertised on a previous date in The Londoner and have since been REVISED.  The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner.  If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

660 Sunningdale Road East– The intent to of this application is sever and rezone approximately 33m of land from the west portion of Block 5 and merge this parcel with Block 4, to permit the lands to be developed for a mix of residential/commercial uses.  Residential/commercial will consist of a medium density apartment building, small scale commercial and office uses with units above the first floor for Block 4 and portions of Block 5 respectively. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 From a Holding Business District Commercial Special Provision h, h-100, h-173, BDC2(10)*H18 Zone and a Holding Residential R5/R6 Special Provision (h*h-100*h-173*R5-6(9)/R6-5(38)/R8-4(27)) Zone To a Business District Commercial Special Provision, BDC2(­­__)*H23 Zone, which permits a range of commercial uses on the first floor with residential uses above, a height of 23m whereas 18m is permitted, a Gross Leasable Floor Area (GLFA) of 1022m2, whereas 1000m2 is currently permitted, a total of 260 parking spaces whereas 274 are required, and remove the word "primary entrance" from the existing zone 25.4(b)(iii) and replace with "provide direct walkway access from commercial ground floor units to the public sidewalk along Appletree Gate frontage" . Consider removing the “h”, h-100 and “h-173” Holding Provisions from the zoning of the subject lands. The purpose of the “h” provision is to ensure the orderly development of the lands and the adequate provision of municipal services. The “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security has been provided for the development agreement or subdivision agreement, and Council is satisfied that the conditions of approval of the plans and drawings for a site plan, or the conditions of the approval of a draft plan of subdivision, will ensure a development agreement or subdivision agreement is executed by the applicant and the City prior to development. The purpose of the “h-100” symbol is to ensure there is adequate water service and appropriate access, a looped watermain system must be constructed and a second public access must be available to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, prior to the removal of the h-100 symbol. Permitted Interim Uses: A maximum of 80 residential units. The purpose of the “h-173” symbol is to ensure that development is consistent with the City of London Urban Design Principles and Placemaking Guidelines. The “h-173” shall not be deleted until urban design guidelines have been prepared and implemented through the subdivision agreement, to the satisfaction of the City of London. File: Z-9321. Planner: S. Meksula ext.5349

850 Highbury Ave North – The purpose and effect of these applications would be the creation of a mixed-use plan of subdivision.

The applicant has submitted a revised Draft Plan of Subdivision (39T-21503) and Official Plan Amendment (OZ-9324). The original Notice of Application for these and the associated Zoning By-Law Amendment was published in the Londoner on March 11, 2021.

  1. Consideration of a revised Draft Plan of Subdivision consisting of 126 single detached dwellings, four (4) medium density residential blocks, two (2) medium density residential/mixed-use blocks, seven (7) high density residential/mixed use blocks, four (4) heritage blocks, one (1) institutional block, one (1) parkland block, one (1) storm water management block, four (4) open space blocks, one (1) private road blocks, one (1) future development block and two (2) road widening blocks all served by the extension of Rushland Avenue, Howland Avenue and eight (8) new streets.


  1. Possible revised amendment to the Official Plan to amend the London Psychiatric Hospital Lands Secondary Plan (LPHSP).  The proposed amendment will seek to bring the existing LPHSP policies more inline with the permissions of the Transit Village Place Type of The London Plan which would permit greater heights and densities.  Multiple amendments are being proposed that will affect multiple policies of the plan. This includes the addition of low-density residential uses, changes to the urban design, heritage, and transportation policies of the plan, elimination of minimum density requirements for low density areas of the plan, increases to the height and density permissions of other areas of the plan, removal of the institutional section of the plan, and changes to the planned street network both within the plan and to adjacent neighbourhoods.

 Larger scale amendments include the following:

  • Removal of sections Village Core Policy Area 2 – Mixed Use Office, Village Core Policy Area 3 - Mixed Use Residential, Transit-Oriented Corridor Policy Area 2 - High-rise Residential, Academic Area Designation, Academic Policy Area 1 – Private Recreation, Academic Policy Area 2 – Academic Classrooms and Offices, Academic Policy Area 3 – Satellite Campus Residences.
  • Addition of single storey commercial uses as a permitted use within the Village Core, removal of bonussing provisions, and the expansion of the Urban Design policies, including specific policies for High Rise Buildings, Mid-Rise Buildings, Low-Rise Buildings, Ground Floor Design, and Back of House and Loading areas
  • Amendments to Schedule 1 – Community Structure Plan, Schedule 2 - Character Area Land Use Designations, Schedule 3 - Sub Area Designations, Schedule 4 – Building Height Plan, Street 5 – Street Hierarchy Plan, Schedule 6 – Pedestrian and Cycling Network, Schedule 7 – Cultural Heritage Framework, and Schedule 8 – Urban Design Priorities.
  • Amendments throughout the Secondary Plan to replace references to the 1989 Official Plan, its land use designations, and street classifications with references to the London Plan.


  1. Possible Amendment to Zoning By-law Z.-1 to change the zoning from a Regional Facility (RF) Zone to:
  • a Residential R1 (R1-5) Zone to permit single detached dwellings; 
  • a Residential R6 (R6-3) Zone to permit cluster single detached, semi detached and duplex dwellings;
  • a Residential R5 Special Provision/Heritage (R5-7(_)/HER) Zone to permit cluster townhouse dwellings and cluster stacked townhouse with a special provision to permit a maximum density 150uph.  The heritage zone provides for and regulates buildings, structures and lands that have been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act;
  • a Residential R5/R7 Special Provision/Heritage (R5-7(_)/R7*H15*D150/HER) Zone to permit cluster townhouse dwellings, cluster stacked townhouse dwellings, senior citizen apartment buildings, handicapped persons apartment buildings, nursing homes, retirement lodges, continuum-of-care facilities and emergency care establishments with a special provision to permit a maximum density of 150uph.  The heritage zone provides for and regulates buildings, structures and lands that have been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act;
  • a Neighbourhood Shopping Area Special Provision/Residential R5 Special Provision (NSA3(_)/R5-7(_)) Zone to permit a range of neighbourhood-scale retail, personal service and office uses which are primarily intended to provide for the convenience shopping and service needs of nearby residents with a special provision for a maximum height of 12 metres and density of 150uph for mixed-use apartment buildings with the NSA3 Zone.  The R5-7 zone will permit cluster townhouse dwellings and cluster stacked townhouse dwellings with a special provision to permit a maximum density 150uph;
  • a Community Facility/Heritage (CF2/CF3/HER) Zone to permit institutional type uses which provide a city-wide or community service function.  The heritage zone provides for and regulates buildings, structures and lands that have been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act;
  • a Community Facility/Residential R8/Heritage (CF2/CF3/R8-4/HER) Zone to permit institutional type uses which provide a city-wide or community service function.  The heritage zone provides for and regulates buildings, structures and lands that have been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act.  The R8-4 zone will permit apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, stacked townhousing, emergency care establishments and continuum-of-care facilities;
  • a Residential R5/R8/R9 Special Provision (R5-7(_)/R8-4(_)/R9-7(_) Zone to permit cluster townhouse dwellings, cluster stacked townhouse dwellings, apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, stacked townhousing, emergency care establishments and continuum-of-care facilities.  A special provision will be applied to each zone to permit a maximum density of 200uph and a special provision to permit a maximum height of 30m will be applied to the R8-4 and R9-7 zones;
  • a Business District Special Provision/Residential R5/R9 Special Provision (BDC(_)/R5-7(_) /R9-7(_)) Zone to permit a mix of retail, restaurant, neighbourhood facility, office and residential uses, cluster townhouse dwellings, cluster stacked townhouse dwellings, apartment buildings, lodging house class 2, stacked townhousing, emergency care establishments and continuum-of-care facilities. A special provision will be applied to each zone to permit a maximum density of 400uph and a special provision to permit a maximum height of 85m will be applied to the BDC and R9-7 zones;
  • a Business District Commercial/Community Facility/Heritage (BDC/CF2/CF3/HER) Zone to permit a mix of retail, restaurant, neighbourhood facility, office and residential uses.  The CF zones will permit institutional type uses which provide a city-wide or community service function.  The heritage zone provides for and regulates buildings, structures and lands that have been designated under the Ontario Heritage Act; and
  • an Open Space (OS1) will permit future parkland/open space corridors.


The City is also considering the following amendments:

  • Special Provisions in zoning to implement the urban design requirements and considerations of the London Psychiatric Hospital Secondary Plan; and
  • Adding holding provisions for the following: urban design, water looping, municipal services, and phasing.

File: 39T-21503/OZ-9324 Planner: M. Clark ext.4586



The following applications have been received by the City of London.  The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner.  If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

3510 & 3524 Colonel Talbot Road – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit a mixed-use (commercial/office and residential) apartment building with a height of 4 storeys, 37 residential units, and 430 square metres of commercial/office on the first floor. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM an Urban Reserve (UR4) Zone TO a Residential R8 Special Provision (R8-4(_)) Zone. Permitted Uses would include:  apartment buildings; handicapped person’s apartment buildings; lodging house class 2; stacked townhousing; senior citizen apartment buildings; emergency care establishments; continuum-of-care facilities. The proposed special provisions would permit additional uses such as: bake shop; commercial recreation establishment; convenience stores; food stores; office – business, service and professional; personal service establishments; pharmacy; retail store; restaurant; a reduced minimum front and exterior side yard depth of 0m whereas 8m is required; a maximum height of 15m whereas 13m maximum is required; a density of 87 units per hectare, whereas 75 units per hectare maximum is permitted; 63 parking spaces maximum whereas 75 parking spaces are required; a parking area setback of 0m from the ultimate road allowance; a parking area setback of 0.8m from the internal property line and non-residential uses shall be located on the ground floor and shall occupy no more than 435m2 of total gross floor area. The City may also consider additional considerations such as a different base zone, the use of holding provisions, and/or additional special provisions. File: Z-9491 Planner: N. Pasato ext.7156



City Council will consider removing the Holding Provisions as applied to the lands described below at a future Council Meeting.  Council will not hear representations from the public on these matters.  If you have any questions or comments about this matter, please call the planner identified below.

1602 Sunningdale Road West - City Council intends to consider removing the h and h-100 holding provisions from the lands within Phase 3B of the Foxwood subdivision. The ‘h’ holding provision requires that security has been provided for the subdivision agreement, and that a subdivision agreement is executed by the applicant and the City prior to development. Prior to the removal of the ‘h-100’ holding provision, it is required that adequate water service and appropriate public access is provided, including a looped watermain system. Council will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than May 9, 2022.  File: H-9495 Planner: M. Clark ext.4586


Your comments on these matters are important.  You may comment by phone, mail or emailing the planner assigned to the file you are interested in.  Mail should be directed to: The City of London, Planning and Development, P.O. Box 5035, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, N6A 4L9.

Please note: Personal information collected and recorded at the Public Participation Meeting, or through written submissions on this subject, is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Planning Act, 1990 R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. The written submissions, including names and contact information and the associated reports arising from the public participation process, will be made available to the public, including publishing on the City's website. Video recordings of the Public Participation Meeting may also be posted to the City of London's website.  Questions about this collection should be referred to Evelina Skalski, Manager, Records and Information Services 519-661-CITY(2489) ext. 5590.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Corporation of the City of London or of the Approval Authority to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the application is adopted or approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the proposed amendment is adopted or approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.


Opportunities to view any file materials in-person can be arranged through the file Planner. For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Planning and Development  at and/or (519) 930-3500. *Please ensure you reference the File Number or address in all communications.



The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will meet on Thursday, April 28, 2022, commencing at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Due to the COVID-19 emergency in the Province of Ontario, public hearings before the committee will be held virtually. Those who wish to attend the public hearing, or to provide written submissions regarding the matter should contact the / Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-930-3500 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment

1:30 p.m. – A.047/22 – 565 Victoria Street, PLAN NIL PT LOT 37 E/S WILLIAM, south of Victoria Street, east of William Street. To build an unenclosed sunroom and expand an existing deck. To permit an unenclosed deck not exceeding one storey in height 0.7 metres to the east interior lot line, whereas 1.2 metres is minimum required. REQUESTS: To permit a west interior side yard setback of 0.7 metres.

1:30 p.m. – A.042/22 - 1550 Bob Schram Way, PLAN 33M793 LOT 6, north side of Bob Schram Way, east of Applerock Avenue. To permit an air conditioner 0.3 metres to the lot line whereas 0.9 metres is minimum required.

The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will meet on Thursday, May 5, 2022, commencing at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Due to the COVID-19 emergency in the Province of Ontario, public hearings before the committee will be held virtually. Those who wish to attend the public hearing, or to provide written submissions regarding the matter should contact / Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-930-3500 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment

1:30 p.m. – A.045/22 - 3397 White Oak Road, CON 2 PT LOT 31 RP 33R792 PART 2, West side of White Oak Road, South of Bradley Avenue. To permit an ancillary retail use.

To permit an ancillary retail use located in an accessory building, whereas it is required to be located within the main building or unit occupied by the industrial use.

1:30 p.m. – A.046/22 - 403 Central Avenue, PLAN 12E LOT 11 REG, 403 Central Avenue, southeast corner of Colborne Street and Central Avenue. To permit a converted dwelling with 3 residential units. To permit a lot area of 310.8m² whereas, 550m² is the minimum required. To permit 4 bedrooms in one dwelling unit within a converted dwelling within the Near Campus Neighbourhoods, whereas no more than 3 bedrooms are permitted.

The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will meet on Thursday May 12, 2022, commencing at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Due to the COVID-19 emergency in the Province of Ontario, public hearings before the committee will be held virtually. Those who wish to attend the public hearing, or to provide written submissions regarding the matter should contact / Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-930-3500 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment

1:30 p.m. – A.048/22 - 1510 Woodcock Street Units 1 and 2, PLAN 986 BLK. To permit a physiotherapy clinic. To permit a clinic on a local street whereas secondary uses are required to have access from an arterial or primary collector road. To permit 371.8 m² of Gross Floor Area for a Clinic use whereas 150 m² is the maximum permitted.

If you wish to be notified of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must appear in person or by Counsel at the hearing and file a written request with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment.  An appeal from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Land Tribunal shall be filed within 20 days of making the decision. Any appeal must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, in person at 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, or Mail to City of London, P.O. Box 5035, ON  N6A 4L9. 519-661-2489 ext. 4988.



The London Consent Authority will be considering the following application for consent no earlier than Comments Due By May 5, 2022

B.024/21 – 458 Adelaide Street N – Request to establish a reciprocal access easement of approximately 174.8m2 (1,881.5m2) over 460-462 Adelaide Street N and 458 Adelaide Street N. Planner: B. House ext.4078

If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of London Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Consent Authority, before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)  may dismiss the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent you must make a written submission to the City of London Consent Authority, 300 Dufferin Avenue, 6th Floor, London, Ontario, N6A 4L9. Additional information on these applications is available at the Consent Authority Office, Planning and Economic Development, Planning and Development, 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario 519-930-3500.



Request to Remove from the Register of Cultural Heritage Resources – 147-149 Wellington Street – A request has been received to remove the property at 147-149 Wellington Street from the Register of Cultural Heritage Resources. Contact: J. Kelemen, Manager, Urban Design and Heritage (


Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024