Tree watering - Help give the tree near your home a drink

With the recent hot and dry weather, trees can use extra water when possible. City crews are moving across London watering trees in parks and boulevards, and the City is encouraging residents with trees on their property to water trees as well. 

“While you have the hose out to water the garden, it’s a good idea to give the tree near your home an extra drink of water,” says Paul Yeoman, Director of Parks and Forestry. “When Londoners help water trees during dry weather, it helps ensure trees stay healthy and strong. We appreciate everyone’s contributions with caring for the trees that make up London’s urban forest.”

Trees need about 2.5 cm (one inch) of rain or water supplied around them per week. Newly planted trees especially need the water and can benefit from being watered two or three times each week in the summer. During this dry weather, the City is focusing its watering efforts on trees planted within the last five years that need the added care.

When watering at home, apply water slowly around the tree to allow it to drain over time and better hydrate the soil.

Residents are also encouraged to water trees and gardens early in the morning or in the evening to reduce evaporation.

Mulching around trees will also help the ground retain water longer and reduce the need for extra watering.

Residents can learn more tips and information about tree watering online.

Last modified:Friday, October 27, 2023