Spring Cleanup Underway? Be Aware of London’s Open Air Burning By-law

With spring cleanup happening around the city, the London Fire Department is reminding residents and businesses to be mindful of the Open Air Burning By-law and understand that burning yard materials is a violation of the by-law.

“Londoners need to be aware the burning of leaves, brush or yard debris on their property is not allowed under the City of London’s Open Air Burning By-law,” said Deputy Fire Chief Matt Hepditch. “Failing to comply with the Open Air Burning By-law may result in charges under the Open Air Burning By-law and the Ontario Fire Code.”

Clearing up yard waste, debris, and limiting the level of flammable vegetation surrounding your home is a good practice. The London Fire Department wants to ensure this is done in a manner that is safe for property owners, their neighbours and the surrounding area. Residents are encouraged to visit the City of London’s website to see the many safe and environmentally responsible ways of dealing with yard waste.

Anyone that sets an open-air fire is required to only burn commercially produced charcoal, briquettes, or clean, dry seasoned wood and not create nuisance smoke.

The Open Air Burning By-law does permit outdoor cooking fires not involving the use of a barbeque, as well as approved outdoor fire containers and fire pits.

“We need everyone to make fire safety a priority. Open air burning, especially if left unattended, can become difficult to control and can result in a serious widespread fire,” said Deputy Chief Hepditch.

For more information on all aspects of the Open Air Burning By-law visit london.ca/fire.

Last modified:Thursday, March 28, 2024