Upcoming 24-hour-a-day construction work for the Downtown Loop project

Starting today, Monday, July 11, 2022, the City of London will begin 24-hour-a-day work at the Queens Avenue and Richmond Street intersection as part of the Downtown Loop construction.

Daytime and overnight construction operations are required to complete necessary underground work to install and replace watermain and storm sewers beneath the road most efficiently. This 24-hour-a-day work is anticipated to be completed approximately by Saturday, July 16, and construction activities will return to regular daytime operations following this work.

Above ground, traffic conditions will not change due to the intersection closure currently in place. Access will continue to be maintained to nearby properties during this work.

As this continues to be an active construction site, regular construction noise should be expected in the area during the day and overnight.

Renew London

A map of the Downtown Loop construction zone and the location of the 24-hour-a-day work.

Above: A map of the Downtown Loop construction zone and the location of the 24-hour-a-day work.

Last modified:Monday, July 11, 2022