Fireworks safety reminder

As people celebrate Diwali – also known as the Festival of Lights – the City of London would like to remind the community that fireworks are only allowed with a valid permit.

Safety matters, whether your plans involve a large display or a few sparklers, because even sparklers can reach extreme temperatures and cause burns if they’re handled incorrectly.

Only adults who are aware of the hazards and take essential safety precautions should handle and discharge fireworks. Always have a water hose or pail close by and monitor wind conditions, as risks increase in high winds.

Be sure to place diyas and candles firmly in a sturdy holder on a heat resistant surface and away from any combustibles.

In the event of fire or personal injury that requires immediate attention, residents are reminded to call 9-1-1.

 We wish everyone celebrating a safe and happy Diwali.

Last modified:Friday, October 27, 2023