Public Notices - November 4, 2021


Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting can do so virtually using Zoom online or phone, or by attending in person. City Hall is currently open to the public in limited capacity for public participation meetings.  If you wish to attend in person to speak to a matter that is on an agenda you are encouraged to pre-register by email or phone.  Please note that the majority of Elected Officials attend the meetings virtually.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information – personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter, including the provision of adequate physical distancing. Questions about this collection should be addressed to Manager, Records and Information Services, 3rd floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489, ext. 5590, email:

2The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, and will only be used to contact you for contact tracing purposes in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak at this facility. Whether or not used, you agree that the City of London can destroy your personal information after 21 days.  In the event of an outbreak, the City of London may disclose your name and telephone number to the Middlesex London Health Unit for contact tracing purposes.

Questions about this collection should be addressed to the Manager, Records and Information Services at 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489 ext. 5590, email:




The Planning and Environment Committee will consider the following matters at a Public Participation Meeting to be held Monday, November 22, 2021.  During the COVID-19 emergency, Standing Committee and Council Meetings are virtual meetings hosted in City Hall, Council Chambers. Participation of some Council Members and staff will be virtual.  Meetings can be viewed via live-streaming on YouTube and the City website.  There is additional information on the City of London website about Public Participation Meetings, during the Covid-19 emergency. Information regarding the matter being considered at the Public Participation Meeting will be posted on the City of London website at on Wednesday, November 17, 2021.  Written submissions regarding this matter to be included on the Planning and Environment Committee Added Agenda are to be submitted no later than 9:00 AM on Friday, November 19, 2021 either delivered or mailed to the City Clerk’s Office, Room 308, 300 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 5035, London, ON N6A 4L9 or by email to  Those who wish to attend in person should pre-register by contacting or 519-661-2489 ext. 7100.

Items not to be heard before 4:00 p.m.

3103 Petty Road and 3407 White Oak Road; located on the west side of White Oak Road East of Petty Road; approximately 1.64 hectares – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit Three (3) buildings containing 33 cluster townhouse units in conventional and back-to-back configurations. Consideration of a possible amendment to the Zoning By-law to change the zoning from a Residential R1 (R1-10) Zone to a Holding Residential R1, Residential R6 Special Provision, Residential R8 Bonus (h*h-100*h-161*h-227* R1-10/R6-5(59)/R8-4(46)*B60) Zone would permit a front yard depth of 3m (9.8ft) (Minimum) from Petty Road. File: Z-9383 Planner: S. Meksula ext.5349


City Wide – Encouraging the Growing of Food in Urban Areas - The purpose and effect of the London Plan and zoning changes are to make it easier to grow food in the urban area (within the Urban Growth boundary) of the City by removing, adding or changing existing policies and regulations which currently prevent that from happening. Council adopted the Urban Agriculture Strategy in November 2017 which includes a number of actions involving Growing; Processing, Distribution; Food Recovery and Loss; and Education and Connection to make it easier for people to grow their own food and provide access to fresh food for other City residents. This project focuses on the “Growing” component of the Strategy. Implementation of the Strategy is urban agriculture community driven and is generally confined to lands within the Urban Growth boundary (UGB). The intent of the changes is to make it easier to grow food outdoors, inside buildings, on roofs, allow for more greenhouses in more areas and other initiatives to allow the growing of food. On July 6, 2021 Council directed that the draft amendments and background study be circulated for comments. File: OZ- 9332 Planner: C.Parker ext.4648

99 Southdale Road West – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit a, two 4-storey, two 8-storey and two 9-storey apartment buildings, for a total of 724 units (96uph). Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM an Urban Reserve (UR4) Zone and Environmental Review (ER) Zone TO a Residential R9 Special Provision (R9-5(__) Zone and Open Space (OS4) Zone. Special provisions to the R9-5 Zone would permit a minimum front yard setback of 6.0m along an Southdale Road West, a minimum rear yard setback of 6.0m, a minimum east interior side yard setback of 12.0m, a minimum west interior side yard setback of 6.5m, a maximum height of 30.9m and the density, lot area, lot coverage and landscaped open space calculation shall be based on a lot area which includes the lands in the abutting Open Space (OS4) Zone.  The Bonus (B__) Zone would permit a maximum density of 110 units per hectare in return for public benefits.  File: Z-9162 Planner: A. Riley ext.4579

Items not to be heard before 5:00 p.m.

370 South Street & 124 Colborne Street (Old Victoria Hospital Lands) – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit the development of five apartment buildings (three 5 storeys, one 6 storeys and one 11 storeys in height) and the conversion of the 2 existing buildings to apartments.

Requested Official Plan Amendment

Possible amendments to the City of London Official Plan (1989) and The London Plan to permit a vacant land condominium on the subject lands to permit: a vacant land condominium that results in units above or below any other unit; multiple units within one dwelling/building; and, structures to cross unit boundaries at or after registration of the vacant land condominium.

Possible amendments to the Old Victoria Hospital Lands Secondary Plan to redesignate the north portion of the subject lands currently designated Low Rise Residential and amendments to the Four Corners Designation, specifically: To re-designate all subject lands currently identified as “Low Rise Residential” to “Mid-Rise Residential”; add a special policy to permit a maximum height of 5-storeys for all apartment buildings fronting onto Hill Street; add a special policy to permit a minimum height of 2-storeys all existing buildings fronting onto South Street; permit residential uses on the ground floor in the “Four Corners” land use designation; not require non-residential uses on the ground floor in the “Four Corners” land use designation; not require building floorplates are be designed to accommodate non-residential uses at-grade in the “Four Corners” land use designation; not require the height of the ground floor required to be greater than the height of any upper storey in the “Four Corners” land use designation; and, allow direct vehicle access from South Street in the “Four Corners” land use designation.

Requested Zoning By-law Amendment

The lands are zoned Holding Residential R8 Special Provision (h*h-5* R8-4(56) Zone, Holding Residential R8 Special Provision (h*h-5*R8-4(57)) Zone, Holding Residential R8 Special Provision (h*h-5*R8-4(58)) Zone, and a Holding Residential R4 Special Provision/Residential R8 Special Provision (h*h-5*R4-6(13)/R8-4(59)) Zone.  The requested amendment seeks the relocation of the zone boundary between the R8-4(59) and the R8-4(56) and R8-4(57) zones south within the block bounded by Waterloo, Hill, Colborne and South streets.

Requested amendment to the R8-4(57) Zone:

The creation of regulations which: specify a parking rate of 0.5 spaces (minimum) per unit for new buildings; recognize Colborne Street as the front lot line; permit a minimum Interior Side Yard Depth of 0.0m; permit a minimum Rear Yard Depth of 2.0m; permit a minimum Landscaped Open Space area of 16.4%; and, specify a parking rate of 0.0 spaces per sq.m. (minimum) for non-residential uses at-grade; permit unlimited encroachment of at-grade terraces/patios/porches, with up to an additional 2.0m encroachment into the City of London right-of-way; and, permit unlimited encroachment of canopies.


Requested amendment to the R8-4(58) Zone:

The creation of regulations which: specify a parking rate of 0.5 spaces (minimum) per unit for new buildings; recognize South Street as the front lot line; permit unlimited encroachment of at-grade terraces/patios/porches, with up to an additional 2.0m encroachment into the City of London right-of-way; and, permit unlimited encroachment of canopies.


Requested amendment to the R8-4(59) Zone:

The creation of regulations which: add apartment building to the list of permitted uses; specify a parking rate of 0.5 spaces (minimum) per unit for new buildings; recognize South Street as the front lot line; recognize Hill Street as the front lot line (for the block bounded by Waterloo, Hill, Colborne and South Streets); recognize Colborne Street as the front lot line (for the block bounded by Colborne, Hill, Maitland and South Street); permit a minimum Interior Side Yard Depth of 0.0m (for the block bounded by Colborne, Hill, Maitland and South Street); permit a minimum Rear Yard Depth of 2.0m (for the block bounded by Colborne, Hill, Maitland and South Street); permit a minimum Landscaped Open Space area of 17.3%; and (for the block bounded by Colborne, Hill, Maitland and South Street; permit unlimited encroachment of at-grade terraces/patios/porches, with up to an additional 2.0m encroachment into the City of London right-of-way; and, permit unlimited encroachment of canopies. The City may also consider additional or amended special provisions as required to support the application. File: OZ-9418 Planner: L. Maitland ext.1517


370 South Street & 124 Colborne Street – SPA21-081 – Consideration of a site plan to permit the development of five (5) apartment buildings (three 5 storeys, one 6 storeys and one 11 storeys in height) and the conversion of the two (2) existing buildings to apartments.  The zoning on this site includes a holding provision to require a public site plan meeting before the Planning and Environment Committee.  This site is also subject to an application for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law amendment to be addressed immediately before this site plan file (OZ-9418). Site Development Planner: L. Maitland ext.1517


Items not to be heard before 6:00 p.m.

3095 & 3105 Bostwick Road; located on the south side of Southdale Road West, west of Bostwick Road; approx. 23.44 hectares (57.92 acres)

The purpose and effect of this application is to consider a proposed draft plan of subdivision and zoning amendment to allow a residential subdivision consisting of low density single detached dwellings, medium density street fronting townhouse dwellings, and a public  walkway, all served by the extension of three existing streets and four new local streets. Two urban reserve blocks are part of this plan of subdivision which will be reviewed in more detail through future development applications.


Draft Plan of Subdivision – Consideration of a proposed draft plan of subdivision and zoning amendment to allow 168 single detached dwellings; four (4) medium density blocks for townhouses fronting a public street; three (3) park blocks;  two (2) urban reserve blocks for review as part of future development applications; and two (2) future road blocks; serviced by the extension of Frontier Avenue, Regiment Road, Raleigh Boulevard and four (4) new local streets (Street ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, & ‘D’).


Zoning By-law Amendment - Consideration of an amendment to the zoning by-law to change the zoning from an Urban Reserve UR3 Zone to:

  • a Residential R2 Special Provision (R2-3(_)) Zone (Lots 1-168) to permit single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and duplex dwellings with a minimum lot area of 370m2 for single detached dwellings.  Special provisions to permit a minimum lot frontage of 11 metres, minimum front yard setback for main dwelling of 3.0 metres, minimum front yard depth for garages of 5.5 metres, minimum interior side yard depth of 1.2 metres except where there is no attached garage, then 3.0 metre is required on one side and a lot coverage of 45% except that any unenclosed porch shall not be included in the calculation of lot coverage;
  • a Residential R4 (R4-4) Zone to permit street townhouse dwellings with a minimum lot frontage of 5.5m and minimum lot area of 180m2;
  • an Open Space (OS1) zone to permit public parks; and
  • maintain the Urban Reserve (UR3) zone on the westerly half of the draft plan.

The City may also consider applying holding provisions in the zoning to ensure adequate provision of municipal services, that a subdivision agreement or development agreement is entered into, to ensure completion of noise assessment reports and implementation of mitigation measures for development in proximity to arterial roads, and that the development is consistent with the design policies of the Southwest Area Secondary Plan. File: 39T-21502 / Z-9233 Planner: M. Clark ext.4586


Items not to be heard before 6:30 p.m.

1453-1459 Oxford Street East & 648-656 Ayreswood Avenue – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan and zoning change is to permit the development of a 24-storey mixed-use building containing 259 residential units and 500 square metres of commercial gross floor area. Possible amendment to the 1989 Official Plan to re-designate the subject lands FROM Low Density Residential TO Multi-Family, High Density Residential. Possible amendment to The London Plan to add a specific policy to the Rapid Transit Corridor Place Type to permit a maximum intensity of 24-storeys with Type 2 Bonus Zoning.  Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Residential R1 (R1-6) Zone and Residential R1/Office Conversion (R1-6/OC4) Zone TO a Residential R9 Bonus/Neighbourhood Shopping Area (R9-7*B-_*H77/NSA3) Zone to permit apartment buildings and a range of commercial uses. The proposed bonus zone would permit: a reduced minimum front yard depth of 1.9m to the podium (Floors 1-4), whereas 10m is required; a reduced minimum front yard depth of 5.2m to the tower (Floors 5-24), whereas 16m is required; a reduced minimum exterior side yard depth of 7.7m (Floors 1-4), whereas 8m is required; a reduced minimum exterior side yard depth of 11m (Floors 18-24), whereas 13.4m is required; a reduced minimum exterior side yard depth to stairs leading to underground parking of 5m, whereas a minimum of 6m is required; a reduced minimum interior side yard depth of 1.7m (Floors 1-4), whereas 6m is required; a reduced minimum interior side yard depth of 4.3m (Floors 5-14), whereas 18m is required; a reduced minimum interior side yard depth of 26.7m (Floors 15-24), whereas 31m is required; a reduced minimum interior side yard depth to stairs leading to underground parking of 0.2m, whereas a minimum of 4.5m is required; a reduced minimum rear yard depth of 41.4m (Floor 14), whereas 43.5m is required;  a reduced minimum rear yard depth of 54.1m (Floors 18-24), whereas 77m is required; a reduced minimum rear yard depth to stairs leading to underground parking of 3.1m, whereas a minimum of 6m is required; a reduced landscape open space of 27.9%, whereas a minimum of 30% is required; an increased maximum lot coverage of 33.8%, whereas a maximum of 30% is permitted; reduced minimum parking of 283 spaces for all uses, whereas 365 spaces are required; reduced minimum accessible parking of 4 spaces, whereas 10 are required; a maximum building height of 77 metres; and an increased maximum density of 390 units per hectare, whereas 150 units per hectare is the maximum, in return for eligible facilities, services, and matters outlined in Section 19.4.4 of the 1989 Official Plan and policies 1638_ to 1655_ of The London Plan. The City may also consider additional special provisions and/or the use of holding provisions. File: OZ-9269 Planner: C. Maton ext.5074



The following applications have been received by the City of London.  The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner.  If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

1503 Hyde Park Road – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit an 8-storey mixed-use building with 130 dwelling units and commercial uses on the ground floor. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a holding Business District Commercial (h-91BDC1/BDC2) Zone TO a holding Business District Commercial Special Provision (h-91BDC1(_)/BDC2) Zone. Special provisions are requested to permit: a minimum interior and rear yard depth of 1.0m per 1.0m of main building height measured from the lot line abutting a residential zone (whereas a minimum of 3.0m plus 1.2m for each 3.0m of building height above the first 3.0m is required); a reduced residential parking rate of 1 space/unit (whereas a minimum of 1.25 spaces/unit is required); a reduced non-residential parking rate of 1 space/25m2 of gross floor area (whereas a minimum of 1 space/15m2 of gross floor area is required); a maximum height of 27.5m (whereas a maximum height of 12.0m is permitted); and a maximum density of 150 units per hectare. Additional built form special provisions are proposed including: the minimum width of the ground floor façade facing the lot line shall be greater than or equal to 75% of the measurement of the front lot line; and all portions of the façade (not including balconies and other projections) facing the front lot line above 6-storeys in height shall be setback a minimum of 2.0m from the portions of the front facing façade located closest to the street. The City may also consider additional special provisions. File: Z-9425 Planner: M. Wu ext.5924



City Council will consider removing the Holding Provisions as applied to the lands described below at a future Council Meeting.  Council will not hear representations from the public on these matters.  If you have any questions or comments about this matter, please call the planner identified below.

1595 Capri Crescent (1600 Twilite Boulevard) – City Council intends to consider removing the h, h-54, h-71, and h-100 holding provisions from the subject lands to allow for the development of a 63-unit Phased Condominium.  The purpose of the “h” provision is to ensure the orderly development of lands and adequate provision of municipal services.  The “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security has been provided and/or a subdivision agreement has been entered into for the subject lands.  Holding Provision “h”-54” ensures that there are no land use conflicts between arterial roads and the proposed residential uses.  This symbol shall not be deleted until the owner agrees to implement all noise attenuation measures recommended in noise assessment reports acceptable to the City of London.  Holding Provision “h-71” encourages street-oriented development and requires the owner to prepare a building orientation plan demonstrating how the front façades of dwelling units can be oriented to all abutting streets (except where a noise barrier has been approved), acceptable to the General Manager of Planning and Development.  The recommended building orientation will be incorporated into the approved site plan and executed development agreement prior to the removal of the “h-71” symbol.  Holding Provision “h-100” requires the construction of a looped watermain system and a second public access to be available to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to ensure there is adequate water service and access.  Council will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than November 22, 2021.  File: H-9389 Planner: A. Curtis ext.4497

1761 Wonderland Road North – City Council intends to consider removing the h-17 and h-103 holding provisions from the subject lands to allow for the development of a 17 storey, mixed-use (residential and commercial use) tower.  The purpose of the “h-17” provisions is to ensure the orderly development of lands and the adequate provision of municipal services.  The symbol shall not be removed until full municipal sanitary sewer and water services are available to service the site.  Holding Provision “h-103” ensures that urban design is addressed and incorporated in the site plan.  A site plan will be approved, and a development agreement will be entered into which, to the Satisfaction of the General Manager of Planning and Development, incorporates design objectives.  Council will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than November 22, 2021. File: H-9407 Planner: A Curtis ext. 4497

3425 Grand Oak Crossing – City Council intends to consider removing the h, h-100 and h-198 holding provisions from the subject lands to allow for the development of 23 single-detached dwelling units and 35 row house dwelling units.  The purpose of the “h” provision is to ensure the orderly development of lands and adequate provision of municipal services.  The “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security has been provided and/or a subdivision agreement has been entered into for the subject lands.  Holding Provision “h-100” requires the construction of a looped watermain system and a second public access to be available to the satisfaction of the City Engineer to ensure there is adequate water service and access.  The h-198 provision encourages street-oriented development and discourages noise attenuation walls along arterial roads, a development agreement shall be entered into to ensure that new development is designed and approved consistent with the Southwest Area Secondary Plan.  Council will consider removing the holding provisions as they apply to these lands no earlier than November 22, 2021.  File: H-9414 Planner: A. Curtis ext.4497

235 Kennington Way – City Council intends to consider removing the h, h-100 and h-198 holding provisions from the subject lands to allow for the development of 3-story townhouses (41 units).  The purpose of the “h” provision is to ensure the orderly development of lands and adequate provision of municipal services.  The “h” symbol shall not be deleted until the required security has been provided and/or a development agreement has been entered into for the subject lands.  Holding Provision “h-100” requires the construction of a looped watermain system and a second public access to be available to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.  This will ensure there is adequate water service and access.  The “h-198” provision encourages street-oriented development and discourages noise attenuation walls along arterial roads, a development agreement shall be entered into to ensure that new development is designed and approved consistent with the Southwest Area Secondary Plan.  Council will consider removed the holding provision as it applied to these lands no earlier than November 22, 2021.  File: H-9375 Planner A. Curtis ext. 4497



Your comments on these matters are important.  You may comment by phone, mail or emailing the planner assigned to the file you are interested in.  Mail should be directed to: The City of London, Planning and Development, P.O. Box 5035, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, N6A 4L9.

Please note: Personal information collected and recorded at the Public Participation Meeting, or through written submissions on this subject, is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Planning Act, 1990 R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. The written submissions, including names and contact information and the associated reports arising from the public participation process, will be made available to the public, including publishing on the City's website. Video recordings of the Public Participation Meeting may also be posted to the City of London's website.  Questions about this collection should be referred to Cathy Saunders, City Clerk, 519-661-2489 ext. 4937.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Corporation of the City of London or of the Approval Authority to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the application is adopted or approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the proposed amendment is adopted or approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.


Opportunities to view any file materials in-person can be arranged through the file Planner. For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Planning and Development  at and/or (519) 930-3500. *Please ensure you reference the File Number or address in all communications.




The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will meet on Thursday November 25, 2021, commencing at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Due to the COVID-19 emergency in the Province of Ontario, public hearings before the committee will be held virtually. Those who wish to attend the public hearing, or to provide written submissions regarding the matter should contact the / Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-930-3500 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment

1:30 p.m. – A.144/21 – 489 Beachwood Avenue, PLAN 817 LOT 83, west side of Beachwood Avenue, north of Base Line Road West. To permit an accessory structure (detached garage). To permit an accessory structure in the exterior side yard, whereas accessory structures are not permitted within a required front yard or exterior side yard. To permit an accessory structure with an exterior side yard setback of 1.2 metres, whereas 5.0 metres is the minimum required.

1:30 p.m. – A.145/21 - 1879 Dundas Street, PLAN 554 PT LOT 4 RP 33R8132 PART 1, south side of Dundas Street, west of Avondale Road. To permit an automobile repair garage. To permit 2 off-street parking spaces, whereas a minimum of 13 parking spaces is required.

If you wish to be notified of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must appear in person or by Counsel at the hearing and file a written request with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment.  An appeal from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Ontario Land Tribunal shall be filed within 20 days of making the decision. Any appeal must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, in person at 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, or Mail to City of London, P.O. Box 5035, ON  N6A 4L9. 519-661-2489 ext. 4988.



The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will meet on Thursday November 25, 2021, commencing at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Consent and may have concurrent applications for Minor Variances to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Due to the COVID-19 emergency in the Province of Ontario, public hearings before the committee will be held virtually. Those who wish to attend the public hearing, or to provide written submissions regarding the matter should contact / ,  or contact Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-930-3500 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment.

2:00 p.m. - B.030/21 – 1069 Gainsborough Road and 1480 North Routledge Park, CON 4 S PT LOT 25 and PLAN 416 PT LOTS 14 AND 15. Request to sever 1,341.7m2 from 1069 Gainsborough Road to be consolidated with 1480 North Routledge Park/1648 Hyde Park Road for the future development of a mixed-use apartment building (phase 2), and to retain 5,497.5m2 for the development of a mixed-use apartment building (phase 1).


The London Consent Authority will be considering the following application for consent. Comments are due November 18, 2021 to the London Consent Authority.

B.034/21 – 2135, 2185, 2225, & 2263 Highbury Avenue North – Consent to sever approximately 30,505m2 for the purpose of future residential development and to retain approximately 83,314m2 to maintain the existing place of worship. Planner: M. Wu ext.5924

B.032/21 – 1271 & 1271B Norman Avenue – Request to sever approximately 221.3 square metres for the purpose of maintaining the existing residential use, and retain approximately 140 square metres for the purpose of maintaining the existing residential use. Planner: M. Wu ext.5924

B.033/21 – 1273 & 1273B Norman Avenue – Request to sever approximately 245.7 square metres for the purpose of maintaining the existing residential use, and retain approximately 121.3 square metres for the purpose of maintaining the existing residential use. Planner: M. Wu ext.5924

If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of London Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Consent Authority, before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT)  may dismiss the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent you must make a written submission to the City of London Consent Authority, 300 Dufferin Avenue, 6th Floor, London, Ontario, N6A 4L9. Additional information on these applications is available at the Consent Authority Office, Planning and Economic Development, Planning and Development, 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario 519-930-3500.





IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the City of London for approval to expropriate lands being Part of Lot 48, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Westminster, in the City of London, County of Middlesex, designated as Parts 22, 23, and 24 on Plan 33R-21075 being Part of PIN 08420-1502(LT); Part of Lot 48, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Westminster, in the City of London, County of Middlesex, designated as Parts 3, 4, and 5 on Plan 33R-21075, being Part of PIN 08420-1502(LT) for the purpose of Southdale Road West and Wickerson Road Project.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the following lands described as follows:

Parcel 1:      Part of Lot 48, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Westminster, in the City of London, County of Middlesex, designated as Parts 22, 23, and 24 on Plan 33R-21075 being Part of PIN 08420-1520(LT)

Parcel 2:      Part of Lot 48, Concession 1, Geographic Township of Westminster, in the City of London, County of Middlesex, designated as Parts 3, 4, and 5 on Plan 33R-21075 being Part of PIN 08420-1520(LT)
Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires a hearing into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing,

(a)      in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after the registered owner is served with the notice, or, when the registered owner is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice;

(b)      in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice.

The approving authority is The Council of The Corporation of the City of London, 300 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 5035, London ON N6A 4L9.



This notice first published on the 21st day of October, 2021.


Notice of Public Information Centre #2 – Windermere Road Improvements – Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
The City of London is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify intersection, active transportation, and transit improvements to the Windermere Road corridor between Western Road and Doon Drive. AODA improvements along the corridor and intersections will be implemented to accommodate users of all ages and abilities.
The study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of Schedule ‘C’ projects as outlined in the Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015), which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The second Public Information Centre (PIC) is being held in a virtual format. A live webinar will be hosted on November 8, 2021 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to present the PIC materials and solicit feedback. A link to the meeting will be provided on the City of London’s Get Involved website, at The webinar will be recorded, and available for review on the project website starting November 9, 2021.
To be added to the study mailing list or provide comment, please contact a member of the study team below:

Paul Yanchuk, P.Eng

City of London

Tel: 519-661-2489 ext. 2563


Kevin Welker, P.Eng., Project Manager

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

Tel: 226-919-5979




Notice of Vacancy for Ward 6
TAKE NOTICE that a vacancy exists on the City of London Council for one (1) Councillor Ward 6 and that Council has determined to fill this vacancy by appointment in accordance with Section 263 1 (a) of the Municipal Act, 2001.
The term of this position is from the date on which Council passes a by-law to appoint an individual to November 14, 2022.
Candidates must submit a completed application on the prescribed form no later than 4:00 PM on November 9, 2021.
Alternatively, forms may also be picked up and submitted at the Elections Office Counter, located on the 2nd floor of City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave, London, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM prior to 4:00 PM on November 9, 2021.
A successful Appointee will be required to submit identification and eligibility confirmation satisfactory to the City Clerk in person prior to 2:00 PM on November 16, 2021.
Prior to submitting an application on the prescribed form, interested individuals should refer to the
Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Elections Act, 1996 for further details relating to the required qualifications.
Interested candidates can review the Appointment Process to fill a Ward Vacancy that outlines the application process. Visit for more information.
The City of London is committed to making every effort to provide alternate formats and communication supports and information, upon request. 
We are committed to providing a fully accessible recruitment process. Please let us know if you require any accommodation: or 519-661-2489 ext. 2425.



Notice of Public Information Centre - Oxford Street West and Gideon Drive Intersection Improvements Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
In response to ongoing and future developments on the west side of the City, the recent extension of Kains Road, and associated increases in traffic volumes along Oxford Street West and Gideon Drive, the City of London is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for improvements to the Oxford Street West, Gideon Drive and Kains Road intersection. The purpose of the study is to address the need for operational and safety improvements that will accommodate all road users.

The project is being completed as a Schedule “B” project in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 & 2015).

A virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) is being held on November 17, 2021 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The live webinar will provide an opportunity for the public to learn about the project, review potential design solutions, discuss preliminary study recommendations and provide feedback. Please register for the webinar in advance by visiting the City of London’s Get Involved website, at The webinar will be recorded, and available on the project website starting November 18, 2021.

To be added to the project mailing list, and for any questions, comments or concerns, please contact:


Kathleen Johnson, EIT


City of London


Transportation Planning & Design


Tel: 519.661.CITY(2489) x 5232



Henry Huotari, P.Eng.


R.V. Anderson Associates Limited


Senior Project Manager

Tel: 519.681.9916 x 5027






Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024