Public Notices - April 22, 2021


A Provincial Stay-at-Home Order and Province-wide shutdown is in effect for London. In alignment with these measures, the Public Participation Meeting process has been modified to protect the health and well-being of members of the public and City employees during the pandemic.

Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting can do so virtually, using Zoom online or by phone. Pre-registration is required.

Please note:

  • Members of the public are required to pre-register to speak at the public participation meeting.  To register this must be requested no later than 9:00 a.m. the day of the meeting.  Speakers will be limited to five minutes of verbal presentation.
  • Registered speakers will be given the information to connect to the Zoom meeting and will also be able to present by phone.
  • Pre-register by calling 519-661-2489 ext. 7100 or by emailing  Please indicate the meeting and item when contacting the Clerk’s Office.  Directions on how to participate will be provided upon registration.
  • Members of the public can also participate by submitting written communications to the committee or to Members of Council prior to the meeting.

Pre-registration is only required for those wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting.


Council and Standing Committee Meetings will continue; however, City Hall will be temporarily closed to the public for in-person attendance at these meetings. Live streaming of Council and Standing Committee Meetings will continue to be available via the City of London’s website or YouTube.


Notice of Collection of Personal Information – personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter, including the provision of adequate physical distancing. Questions about this collection should be addressed to the City Clerk, 3rd floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489, ext. 4937, email:

2The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, and will only be used to contact you for contact tracing purposes in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak at this facility. Whether or not used, you agree that the City of London can destroy your personal information after 21 days.  In the event of an outbreak, the City of London may disclose your name and telephone number to the Middlesex London Health Unit for contact tracing purposes.

Questions about this collection should be addressed to the City Clerk at 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489 ext. 4937, email:




The Planning and Environment Committee will consider the following matters at a Public Participation Meeting to be held Monday, May 10, 2021.  During the COVID-19 emergency, Standing Committee and Council Meetings are virtual meetings hosted in City Hall, Council Chambers. Participation of some Council Members and staff will be virtual.  Meetings can be viewed via live-streaming on YouTube and the City website.  There is additional information on the City of London website about Public Participation Meetings, during the Covid-19 emergency. Information regarding the matter being considered at the Public Participation Meeting will be posted on the City of London website at on Wednesday, May 5, 2021. Written submissions regarding this matter to be included on the Planning and Environment Committee Added Agenda are to be submitted no later than 9:00 AM on Friday, May 7, 2021 either delivered or mailed to the City Clerk’s Office, Room 308, 300 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 5035, London, ON N6A 4L9 or by email to  Those who wish to attend in person should pre-register by contacting or 519-661-2489 ext. 7100.

Items not to be heard before 4:00 p.m.

192-196 Central Avenue, 193-197 Central Avenue, & 200 Albert Street – The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to is to permit the continued operation of the existing surface commercial parking lots for an additional three (3) years. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 BY AMENDING the temporary use provisions of the existing Residential R10/Office Residential/Temporary (R10-4*H26/OR5*D303*H26/T-70) Zone at 192-196 Central Avenue, Holding Residential R3/Residential R4/Residential R8/Office Conversion/Restricted Office/Temporary (h-5*R3-1/R4-1/R8-4/OC7/RO3/T-70) Zone at 193-197 Central Avenue, and Residential R10/Office Conversion/Temporary (R10-3*H24/OC7/T-70) Zone at 200 Albert Street TO EXTEND the temporary surface commercial parking lot use for an additional three (3) years. File: TZ-9316 Planner: C. Maton ext.5074

1697 Highbury Avenue North - The purpose and effect of this zoning change is to permit two new stacked townhouse buildings with a total of 20 units (58 units per hectare): (1) a 3-storey, stacked townhouse building located close to the street; and (2) a 2-storey stacked townhouse building located toward the rear of the property. Possible change to Zoning By-law Z.-1 FROM a Residential R5/Residential R6 (R5-2/R6-4) Zone TO a Residential R5 Special Provision (R5-7(_)) Zone with special provisions including a maximum density of 58uph, a minimum front yard depth of 2.9m, a south interior side yard depth of 0m, a minimum rear yard depth of 5.5m, and a third stacked townhouse unit on the front units whereas the definition of “Stacked Townhouse” permits stacking up to 2 units high. Special provisions for minimum landscaped open space and maximum lot coverage may also be required. The City may also consider a maximum front yard depth of up to 6.0m. This notice updates the Notice of Application published on January 28, 2021 by: reducing the number of residential units from 23 to 20; increasing the maximum density from 54uph to 58uph and other possible new special zoning provisions due to a possible relocation of the existing Open Space (OS5) Zone line; shifting the location of the rear building; and relocating the taller building to the front of the property.  File: Z-9302 Planner: B. Debbert. Ext.5345


Items not to be heard before 4:30 p.m.

2361 Hyde Park Road and 1521 Sunningdale Road West – The purpose and effect of this Official Plan amendment is to designate the subject site for future residential uses. Possible amendment to the Official Plan FROM Open Space TO Low Density Residential in the 1989 Official Plan and FROM Green Space Place Type TO Neighbourhood Place Type in The London Plan.  Portions of the site will also be considered for Environmental Review designations/place type.  File: O-9190 Planner: M.Corby ext.4657

Items not to be heard before 5:00 p.m.

3557 Colonel Talbot Road – Consideration of a Site Plan Control application to permit the construction of two townhouse blocks with a total of 21 residential units. The current zoning on the lands is a Holding Residential (h-5*R5-6(14)) which permits cluster townhouse and cluster stacked townhouse dwellings. The zoning on the site includes the holding provision to require a public site plan meting before the Planning and Environment Committee. File:  SPA20-063 Site Development Planner: M.Vivian ext.7547



The following applications have been received by the City of London.  The Planning and Environment Committee will be considering these applications at a future public meeting, the date and time of which will be published in the Londoner.  If you have any questions or would like to provide comment, please see “Providing Comment” below.

915-919 Commissioners Road East – The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is to allow a Retail Store up to a maximum gross floor area (GFA) of 111m2 as an additional permitted use in the existing building, and a reduction of parking requirements to recognize the existing situation. File: Z-9334 Planner: L. Davies Snyder ext.4651



City Council will consider removing the Holding Provisions as applied to the lands described below at a future Council Meeting.  Council will not hear representations from the public on these matters.  If you have any questions or comments about this matter, please call the planner identified below.

1639 - 1685 Brayford Avenue; Lots 12 to 15 Plan 33M-713 and Lots 13 to 17 Plan 33M-714 City Council intends to consider removing the Holding (“h-37”) Provision from the zoning of the subject lands. The purpose and effect is to allow development of the lands for residential uses permitted under the Residential R1 (R1-4) Zone. The purpose of the “h-37” provision is to implement the Provincial Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) regulations the “h-37” holding provision will not be deleted until the existing livestock facility has been removed or, through removal of building infrastructure, is no longer capable of housing livestock. Permitted Interim Use: Existing Uses. Council will consider removing the holding provision as it applies to these lands no earlier than May 25, 2021. File: H-9336  Planner: L. Mottram ext.4866.

2258 - 2334 Wickerson Road; Lots 4 to 11 Plan 33M-713 and Lots 1 to 12 Plan 33M-714 City Council intends to consider removing the Holding (“h-37”) Provision from the zoning of the subject lands. The purpose and effect is to allow development of the lands for residential uses permitted under the Residential R1 Special Provision (R1-3(7)) Zone and Residential R1 (R1-4) Zone. The purpose of the “h-37” provision is to implement the Provincial Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) regulations the “h-37” holding provision will not be deleted until the existing livestock facility has been removed or, through removal of building infrastructure, is no longer capable of housing livestock. Permitted Interim Use: Existing Uses. Council will consider removing the holding provision as it applies to these lands no earlier than May 25, 2021. File: H-9337  Planner: L. Mottram ext.4866.


Your comments on these matters are important.  You may comment by phone, mail or emailing the planner assigned to the file you are interested in.  Mail should be directed to: The City of London, Development Services or City Planning, P.O. Box 5035, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, N6A 4L9.

Please note: Personal information collected and recorded at the Public Participation Meeting, or through written submissions on this subject, is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and the Planning Act, 1990 R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. The written submissions, including names and contact information and the associated reports arising from the public participation process, will be made available to the public, including publishing on the City's website. Video recordings of the Public Participation Meeting may also be posted to the City of London's website.  Questions about this collection should be referred to Cathy Saunders, City Clerk, 519-661-2489 ext. 4937.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of the Corporation of the City of London or of the Approval Authority to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the application is adopted or approved, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of London before the proposed amendment is adopted or approved, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.


Opportunities to view any file materials in-person can be arranged through the file Planner. For more information about these matters, including information about appeal rights, contact Development Services at and/or (519) 930-3500.

*Please ensure you reference the File Number or address in all communications.



The Committee of Adjustment for the City of London will meet on Thursday May 13, 2021, commencing at 1:30 p.m., for the purpose of hearing the following applications for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law Z.-1. Due to the COVID-19 emergency in the Province of Ontario, public hearings before the committee will be held virtually. Those who wish to attend the public hearing, or to provide written submissions regarding the matter should contact the Secretary - Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment at 519-661-2489 ext. 4988 by 4:30 p.m. the day before the committee meeting. Additional information regarding the matter being considered by the committee is available to the public for inspection by contacting the Secretary-Treasurer, London Committee of Adjustment.


1:30 p.m. – A.052/21 - 914 Princess Avenue, PLAN 352 BLK P PT LOT 41 REG 0.10AC 33.00FR 132.00D, north of Princess Avenue, east of Ontario Street. To permit a converted three-unit dwelling. To permit a lot area of 407.3m2 whereas 540.0m2 the minimum required. To permit a lot frontage of 10.1m (33.1ft), whereas 12.0m is the minimum required. To permit a landscaped open space of 28.0%, whereas 30% is the minimum required. To permit a parking area coverage of 40.8%, whereas 30% is the maximum permitted.


1:50 p.m. – A.049/21 - 840 Wellington Road, CON 2 PT LOT 25 RP 33R4397 PARTS 2 & 3 east side of Wellington Road, south of Southdale Road East. To permit reduced parking.

To permit 36 parking spaces under the Highway Service Commercial (HS(1)) Zone variation for the existing building, whereas 75 parking spaces is the minimum required.


2:10 p.m. – A.043/21 - 2705 Oriole Drive, PLAN 33M735 LOT 20 west side of Oriole Drive, east of Constance Avenue. To construct a single detached dwelling. To permit an exterior side yard setback of 1.3m whereas 4.5m is the minimum required.


2:00 p.m. - A.050/21 - 237 Sherwood Avenue, PLAN 261 PT LOT 10 PLAN 30 PT LOT 40 AND RP 33R13446 PART 3, south side of Sherwood Avenue, east of Richmond Street. To construct an addition. To permit a rear yard setback of 5.3m whereas 7.0m is the minimum required. To permit a maximum gross floor area of 248m² whereas 245m² is the maximum permitted.


If you wish to be notified of a decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must appear in person or by Counsel at the hearing and file a written request with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment.  An appeal from a decision of the Committee of Adjustment to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) shall be filed within 20 days of making the decision. Any appeal must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment, in person at 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON, or Mail to City of London, P.O. Box 5035, ON  N6A 4L9. 519-661-2489 ext. 4988.



The London Consent Authority will be considering the following application for consent. Comments are due May 6, 2021 to the London Consent Authority.

B.016/21 – 980-990 Gainsborough Rd – Request to sever approx. 1 666m2 of land for future development of an office building and retain 7 414.6m2 for the existing medical/dental/office building. Driveway access and parking areas will be shared between severed and retained lands. Planner: E.Ling ext. 2786

If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of London Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submissions to the Consent Authority, before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) may dismiss the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Consent Authority in respect of the proposed consent you must make a written submission to the City of London Consent Authority, 300 Dufferin Avenue, 6th Floor, London, Ontario, N6A 4L9. Additional information on these applications is available at the Consent Authority Office, Development and Compliance Services, Development Services, 6th Floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario 519-930-3500.



Draft Environmental Assessment Study Report – W12A Landfill
The City of London is seeking community input on the draft Environmental Assessment Study Report (EASR) for the proposed expansion of the W12A Landfill. The EASR details all work completed during the environmental assessment.  The draft EASR will be available for public review until May 21, 2021 on the project website (  Hardcopies (for loan) and/or memory sticks of the draft EASR are available and can be obtained by contacting Tracey Lee by phone at (519) 661-CITY (2489) ext. 8413 or by e-mail at

The City is proposing to approximately double the current capacity of the landfill by increasing the height of the existing waste footprint which will extend its life to 2049.  In addition, the service area will be increased to a regional area, which includes: City of London, County of Huron, County of Perth, County of Elgin, County of Lambton, and County of Middlesex.  The proposed design capacity for landfill expansion over the 25 year planning period is 9.9 million tonnes including 0.5 million tonnes from neighbouring municipalities (about 5%).   

Following the review period, the draft EASR will be updated to address comments received and then submitted to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) for approval.  The MECP approval process will also include opportunities to provide comments.

Interested persons are encouraged to review the draft EASR and provide comments by May 21, 2021. Comments may be submitted through the project website or by mail, e-mail or fax to the contacts for the project provided below. If you have any questions or comments regarding the draft EASR Report, please contact either of the individuals listed below.

Jay Stanford, M.A., M.P.A.                                       

Director - Environment, Fleet and Solid Waste 

Phone: 519-661-CITY (2489) ext.  5411 

Fax: 519-661-2354                                            


Wesley Abbott, P. Eng.

Project manager

Phone: 226-376-2311

Fax: 519-661-2354


Mailing Address for the above staff is:

Solid Waste Management Division, 8th Floor, City Hall

300 Dufferin Avenue, P.O. Box 5035

London, ON N6A 4L9

All personal information included in a submission – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained and disclosed by the MECP for the purpose of transparency and consultation.  The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in s.37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential.  For more information, please contact the MECP’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at 416-314-4075. Veuillez noter qu’il vous est possible de nous communiquer vos commentaires ou vos questions sur le projet en français en les adressant à Trish Edmond dont les coordonnées sont indiquées ci-dessus.

Trish Edmond, P. Eng., EA Manager

Golder Associates Ltd

1931 Robertson Road

Ottawa, ON K2H 5B7

Telephone: 1-800-275-3281

Fax: 613-592-9601


Notice of Heritage Designation By-Laws

TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of London has enacted the following heritage designation by-law pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S. O. 1990:

Property Description
3303 Westdel Bourne

By-law Enactment Date
April 13, 2021

By-law Number

A copy of this heritage designation By-law may be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk by telephoning 519-661-CITY (2489) ext. 0916, or by emailing DATED at London, Ontario on April 22, 2021. Catharine Saunders, City Clerk



Notice of Study Commencement and Public Information Centre No. 1 – Wastewater Treatment Operations Master Plan
The City of London operates five wastewater treatment plants and 36 pumping stations to collect and treat London’s wastewater. This study will look at the need for new and upgraded facilities as part of our commitment to protecting the environment and ensuring that our facilities can continue to serve London as it grows. This Master Plan needs to consider the entire city. We are seeking input from everyone who wants their voice heard.

The proper collection and treatment of wastewater has a direct impact of the health of residents, our environment, and the ability of the City to grow and prosper. Operating a wastewater treatment system often requires the upgrade of existing facilities and the construction of new infrastructure. By developing an informed long-term plan, the City will ensure that the improvements we make today will effectively contribute to our long-term goals.
Public Information Centre – event details:
A virtual Public Information Centre will be held on Thursday, April 22 at 5:00 p.m. to present some of the key opportunities, challenges, and constraints of this Wastewater Treatment Operations Master Plan. The link to register for the online event will be available at the project’s Get Involved page ( along with a recorded presentation video following the event.
Wastewater Treatment Operations Master Plan project page:
For the most up-to-date information, including project updates, please visit the Wastewater Treatment Operations Master Plan project page ( 
Your input is important:
The City wants to hear from you. This Master Plan would not be complete if it does not consider the needs of all the City’s residents and neighbours. If you would like to ask a question, make a comment or add your name to the contact list, please visit the project’s Get Involved page ( or contact the
City Project Manager:
Marcy McKillop, P.Eng.
City of London, Environmental & Engineering Services
Phone: 519-661-2489 ext. 4976
Please also watch the study webpage for future public information centres, which are an excellent opportunity to discuss wastewater treatment operations, and how they can contribute to healthy living and a cleaner environment.
This document is available in accessible formats, including electronic formats, large-print formats, and/or audio formats. Please contact the City Project Manager to submit your request.
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process:

This study is being undertaken in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (MEA, 2000 as amended in 2007, 2011, and 2015). For details on this process, please refer to the Municipal Class Environment Assessment website ( or contact the City Project Manager listed above.
Thank you in advance for your participation and contribution to the planning process that will impact your life in the City of London in a meaningful way. We look forward to working with you towards building a more sustainable and environmentally responsible city.


Last modified:Tuesday, April 09, 2024