Emergencies happen – are you ready?

Everyone has a role to play in being prepared for an emergency.  "Emergencies Happen – Are You Ready?" is the philosophy behind emergency planning and the main theme for London’s Emergency Preparedness Week activities from May 7 to 13.

“This year, London's team will be focused on raising awareness of the importance of personal preparedness for every member of our community,” says Mayor Josh Morgan. “Emergencies can affect all cultures, genders, and age groups. Thinking about what you would do in the event of an emergency is the first step to being prepared.”

“Everyone has a role to play when it comes to being prepared for emergency situations,” says Paul Ladouceur, Director of Emergency Management and Security Services. “Emergency Preparedness Week is an opportunity for members of our community to become informed about what their role is and how they can be prepared to stay safe during emergencies.”

Launching this morning with an extrication demonstration by the London Fire Department, who this week is also celebrating its 150th year of serving our community, Emergency Preparedness Week has two main events for Londoners to take part in.

On Tuesday, May 9, London’s Emergency Management Program will perform a public test of the Alert London Notification System at 1:30 p.m.  In the event of an emergency, Alert London will provide critical public safety messages to anyone who has signed up to receive this service, and all residents of London are encouraged to sign up.

Then on Saturday, May 13, Londoners are invited to the Emergency Operations Centre in Byron for the annual Emergency Preparedness Open House.  The Open House is an opportunity to view the inside of London’s epicentre for Emergency Management during an active situation, take part in family-oriented activities, learn how to prepare an emergency kit for your household, check out emergency vehicles and speak with our first responders.

Emergency Preparedness Open House

Saturday, May 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
London’s Emergency Operations Centre
Byron Fire Hall #12, 275 Boler Rd.

Preparing for potential disaster before it happens is everyone’s best defence. Being prepared may mean the difference between being a victim or a survivor.

Last modified:Wednesday, April 03, 2024