City outlines targeted actions to accelerate housing

London City Council approved targeted actions to increase London’s housing supply and support the Provincial Housing Pledge to create 47,000 units by 2031. The targeted actions were developed in collaboration with members of a Housing Supply Reference Group comprised of members of the local building and development community. 

“This level of collaboration demonstrates our city’s commitment to working together to tackle the current housing crisis and achieve our shared goal of ensuring homes get built as fast as possible,” says Mayor Morgan. “I greatly appreciate everyone’s efforts and contributions. With this combination of actions and monitoring, we are positioned to proceed with this incredibly important work, accelerating housing development in the city.”

The document identifies the Planning and Economic Development Service Area actions, timelines, development tracking and reporting methods associated with different categories of housing units across various stages of the development application process. Key priorities include modernizing zoning by-laws, diversifying housing options, intensification, providing programs and incentives for redevelopment and streamlining planning processes to reduce approval times. It also includes how the actions align with the development industry’s priorities and identifies the responsibilities and shared advocacy opportunities for the City and the development industry in working with the provincial and federal governments to advocate for policy changes and funding opportunities. 

“The targeted actions highlight the key work required to improve London’s housing supply”, says Scott Mathers, Deputy City Manager Planning and Economic Development. “They provide us with direction and priorities moving forward to ensure we have housing in communities that are exciting, exceptional, and connected.”

Learn more about London’s pledge and track progress at

Last modified:Wednesday, April 24, 2024