The City of London launches engagement on the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan

The City of London has officially started work on the development of Council’s 2023-2027 Strategic Plan. A report outlining the process and approach was tabled today at the Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee meeting.

Every four years, the City of London undertakes a strategic planning process to identify the shared priorities that will guide the work of Council and Civic Administration. The plan reflects the needs and expectations of the community, and drives decision-making through the Multi-Year Budget and the City's Technology Investment Strategy. 

“Council’s Strategic Plan defines the mission, vision, values, and priorities for the City of London,” said Mayor Morgan. “As a municipality, Council’s Strategic Plan is a foundational document that sets the course for the next four years and supports strategic decision making, where strategy drives financial and business decisions.”

In the report to Council, the City committed to upholding values of equity and inclusion, fiscal stewardship and sustainability, and evidence informed decision-making throughout the strategic planning process. Council will meet in January to begin formally discussing elements of the strategic plan, starting with the mission, vision, and values, areas of focus, outcomes, and expected results.

Beginning December 14, 2022, Londoners are encouraged to visit – the City’s online public engagement forum – to share their perspectives. Feedback will be collected throughout the process, with updated opportunities to weigh in as the plan develops.

The final plan is expected to be finalized in April 2023.

Last modified:Friday, October 27, 2023