New Comprehensive Zoning By-law – ReThink Zoning

What is proposed?

The Corporation of the City of London is considering a new comprehensive Zoning By-law that will affect all lands within the municipal boundary of the City of London. 
The purpose and effect of the proposed new comprehensive Zoning By-law is to establish the rules that restrict the use, intensity and form of land, buildings, or structures in the City of London. 
“Use” is the main purpose or activity on a property or in a building or structure. “Intensity” is how much activity and the size of building or structure. “Form” is the shape and location of a building or structure. 

The proposed new comprehensive Zoning By-law may include rules that provide alternative standards to incentivize certain forms of development to achieve municipal housing goals, positive climate actions and improve resiliency to climate change impacts. 
The proposed new comprehensive Zoning By-law is an implementation tool that will implement the policies of the City of London’s newest Official Plan – The London Plan and repeal and replace the existing comprehensive Zoning By-law No. Z.-1. 

For full details and more information visit:

The existing Zoning By-law is available at 

Notices of Application and Meetings 

Notice of Public Meeting - not scheduled at this time

Notice of Community Information Meeting – none planned at this time

Staff Planning Reports 

Council Decision 

Council Resolution – not available at this time

For more information, file-status or to provide comments please contact for the file.


Last modified:Thursday, June 15, 2023