Growth Management Implementation Strategy

Financially sustainable cities are proactive in managing the timing of infrastructure construction.  The City of London has created the Growth Management Implementation Strategy (GMIS) as a tool to guide growth in an orderly manner by balancing the needs of new development with the costs of extending major new servicing.

The GMIS is guided by the City of London Official Plan (London Plan) growth policies, the capital budget, infrastructure master plans, current development applications, and funding available in the development charge fee reserve funds. 

How the GMIS works

Each year, the infrastructure projects listed in the GMIS are reviewed to determine if the planned construction year is still appropriate.  Depending on levels of revenue being collected from development charge fees and demand for new development, projects are moved forward or put off to a later date.  This allows the City to budget for infrastructure costs during the yearly budget process in a fiscally prudent manner.

Consultation with community groups and the development industry

The annual GMIS review involves consultation with the development industry and community groups to discuss upcoming plans for development projects in order to determine where infrastructure will be needed in the future.  Although control of major infrastructure construction timing resides with the City, the annual consultation sessions provide important information for the City to closely align growth costs with development charge revenues.

To be added to the GMIS stakeholder contact list, please email with your name and organization.  This information is collected under the authority of the Planning Act and the Municipal Act and will be used for informing interested stakeholders of changes to the City's growth infrastructure program.  

GMIS resources 

If you have questions or would like to request  documents please contact us. 

Last modified:Thursday, June 08, 2023