Neighbourhood safety

We know that residents are the safety experts of their neighbourhoods and the best way to increase the perception and experience of safety is to form strong neighbourhood bonds.

We provide support and resources to help neighbours and groups build strong, healthy and safer neighbourhoods.

Neighbourhood Safety Audit

The Neighbourhood Safety Audit is designed to support residents as they identify safety concerns in their neighbourhood and develop a plan of action that increases safety for all.  The audit includes staff support and some equipment.

Contact our team to get started with a safety audit for your neighbourhood.

Safety resources for neighbourhoods

Request the Safe Neighbourhood Resource Package for details about how to report sidewalk or street infrastructure issues, request traffic calming measures, bus stop safety concerns or weather and environmental management.

Many concerns about physical spaces and environment can be directed to 

Questions about accessibility can be directed to

Police questions:, or Crime Prevention at 519-661-5515 ext.5680 

Fire safety: Call 519-661-8419 or email 

Bus stop concerns: Call 519-451-1347 or email

Neighbourhood Watch London: Call 519-661-4533 or email 


Last modified:Tuesday, June 18, 2024