Council and committee meetings

Public Participation Meeting Process

A public participation meeting is a forum where members of the public can share their opinions, concerns and feedback on specific item(s) listed on a Standing Committee agenda. Each agenda will specify which item(s) are public participation.  If an item is not listed as “PUBLIC PARTICIPATION”, members of the public are welcome to submit written communications to the Committee or to the Members of Council prior to the meeting.  

Anyone wishing to speak at a Public Participation Meeting can do so by:

  • attending in person; or
  • using Zoom online or by phone.

To participate virtually:

  • You must pre-register by emailing or by calling 519-661-2489 ext. 7100 no later than 9:00 AM on the day of the meeting.
  • Specify the meeting and item when you register.
  • Directions on how to participate virtually will be provided upon registration.

All speakers (in-person and virtually) will be limited to five minutes for their comments.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information – personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001 and will be used by Members of Council and City of London staff in their consideration of this matter. Questions about this collection should be addressed to Manager, Records and Information Services, 3rd floor, City Hall, 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-2489 ext. 5590.

Delegation Information
Delegation speaking requests

Council welcomes and encourages public input.  There are many ways to engage with Council, such as written communications, attending public participation meetings, contacting Council Members directly or requesting delegation status at Standing Committee meetings.

Registering to speak
  • Delegation requests are required to be in writing to the appropriate Standing Committee with details on what the request is about.
  • The Clerk will review the request and if deemed appropriate, the request will be placed on the public agenda.  The request should contain all the information that the Committee will require to make an informed decision. Note that repeat delegations on the same subject matter are limited to presentation of new information only.
  • All delegation requests are at the purview of the Standing Committee.  The Committee can grant the request at that meeting, refer it to another meeting or deny the request.
  • If the Committee grants the request, the speaker has up to 5 minutes to make the verbal presentation.
  • As per the Council Procedure By-law, no delegation requests are to be heard at Council meetings.
Delegation Request Deadlines

To request delegation status, the request needs to be submitted by 9:00 a.m., Monday, the week prior to the meeting.  In the event Monday is a holiday, the deadline would be Friday, at 9:00 a.m., before the holiday Monday.

To request delegation status on an existing item on an upcoming agenda, the deadline is the business day prior to the meeting by 9:00 a.m.  Please ensure the request is clear to what item on the agenda the request is being made for.

Standing Committee Emails
Council/Committee Calendar (online)

The corporate calendar contains events and activities organized by the Corporation of the City of London municipal government.

Council and Committee Calendar

Council/Committee Calendar  (printable pdf view)

All standing committee meetings can be viewed on the City of London's website and YouTube.

During a meeting, a video link will appear to the right of the agenda, which can be used to launch the live stream. Users on a mobile device must click ‘Start Mobile Live Stream’ to access the live stream. Council and Committee videos are also available on our YouTube channel.

Should the meeting be a closed session or on break, a stream will not be available.

Access agendas, minutes, reports and supporting reference documents to City Council meetings and Council’s Standing Committees using the buttons below.

The City of London is committed to making every effort to provide alternate formats and communication supports for Council, Standing or Advisory Committee meetings and information, upon request.  To make a request for any City service, please contact or 519-661-2489 ext. 2425.

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Last modified:Monday, December 23, 2024

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