Estimate only, see disclaimer below.

Welcome to the City of London's Property Tax Calculator for the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Budget. We hope this tool provides insights to how your tax dollars are spent over the Multi-Year Budget. To get started with this new tool, please select your property type, enter your property taxes amount and see the results!

Note: The City of London does not set the Education tax rate; it is set by the Provincial Government.

Budget logo


The charts below reflect the average tax bill for the 2024-2027 Multi-Year Budget. The table below the bar chart provides further details regarding the average 2024-2027 Multi-Year Budget estimated costs by Service Area. This information will be updated annually to reflect the impacts of 2024-2027 Multi-Year Budget amendments, if any, as approved by Council.

2024-2027 Average Total Tax Bill (Municipal and Provincial Education)

Components Percentage (%) 4 Year Average Annual Cost
Education Tax Proportion (Provincial)
Municipal Tax Proportion

2024-2027 Average Municipal Tax Bill By Service Area

Service Area (Disclaimer Below) 4 Year Average Annual Percent 4 Year Average Annual Cost 4 Year Average Cost per day Details

Disclaimer: This property tax calculator provides estimates only. Tax bills containing your final amount are mailed out by the Tax Division, and may differ from those presented by this calculator. Actual allocations may differ. Figures in the calculator are subject to rounding.

The property tax calculator will be updated as updated tax information is made available and finalized (such as education levy rates or updates to the City’s budget)

Calculations do not include cap and clawback adjustments under part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001 for commercial, industrial, and multi-residential properties.